There are three main reasons to

Transition to clean energy from GEEN

Renewable sources
A fair contract
A personal approach

3 reasons why our energy is GEENius

Benefits of geen energy

Clean energy from renewable sources

We produce the energy we sell ourselves from renewable sources. While the topics of recycling (or separation) and environmental protection are widely accepted by the public, the possibility of using clean energy is still hard to imagine for many people. But switching your energy supplier is no harder than switching your mobile network operator. It's another (important!) piece in the mosaic of personal responsibility for the health of our environment.

Our mission

A fair contract

With us you always know exactly when and for what price you are getting your energy. Does this seem matter of course? Try to take a look at your energy bill and see if you can find this information. We list all this information in the contract, including when your contract begins and ends and the price.

A fair contract
Our mission

A personal approach

We have a personal approach to our customers. Every client has different needs, a different contract with their energy supplier, so we assign specific employees to each of them. This sets a new standard for environmental responsibility and fair contracts, as well as for the comfort of servicing and services.

Transition process to clean energy

Switching your energy supplier isn't something to look forward to. Energy suppliers will often use different tricks with questionable ethics. So let's explain the whole process in a clear manner.

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Celebrating 15 years anniversary